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Areas where we can assist you

We offer services, from informational market study, administrative and regulatory coordination for success expansion or launch of new product or service. We happily work with clients to find the right mix that supports their internal capabilities.  

Abstract still life w/ two clocks

Investment and venture deal structuring and planning  

If you plan to make the rounds of venture,  you must have the following in mind

  • Corporate structure: The legal structure you choose for your business will dictate your tax obligations and legal liability, as well as how you handle outside investment.
  • Restrictions: Protect the entrepreneur, from investors or government prematurely dumping their shares or responsibilities
  • Country laws: Are there any Government laws and  regulations that make your investment particularly attractive or unattractive?
  • Protect your equity with non-compete clauses: All top managers should sign non-compete clauses to make sure they don’t leave your firm to immediately work for your top competitor. Protection of intellectual property .

Deal sourcing and Due diligence

Deal sourcing

Networking and relationship management
Regional and sectoral intelligence

Direct sourcing

Due diligence
Preliminary Screening
Initial Investment Review
Full Due Diligence and Analysis
Deal Execution and emergency managemen

Feasibility study and financial planning

Feasibility study

Is there a demand for the product or service?
Who else is providing similar products or services
What is needed to make the product or service?
What is the cost of producing a product or providing a service?
What is the likely profit

financial planning

Analyze Current Situation
Design Optimal Portfolio
Formalize Investment Policy
Implement Policy
Monitor and Supervise

Strategic business planning

strategic plan to facilitate and document a unified corporate or community vision, the list of associated goals, and finally an implementation plan for action

Market and feasibility studies: Uncover demand and formulate an objective opinion on sales projections for a business, product, or service that is in question

Economic impact studies that measure the direct, indirect and induced economic effects of a dollar spent within a particular industry, that motivate local government and investors interest.

Raise business performance to new levels: by substantially empowering the organization with solid, stable insight knowledge that increase the bottom line