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Executive Summary

Foundation: The Company was established in 2004 to provide a solution platform to institutional investors and private investors to invest across Africa. With its research, investment and client service infrastructure solely dedicated to Africa private equity fund investments; IFGLOBAL LLC. seeks to be the "partner of choice" for global institutional and private investors who desire to participate in the diverse and fast growing Africa  alternative investment markets.

A core part of IFGLOBAL business model is a commitment to have an open, transparent working partnership with investors to build their Africa private equity programs. This includes helping to educate investors on Africa, providing best-practice reporting and leading market research .
IFGLOBAL LLC during the past six years has help our customer reach their goal, under the leadership of our CEO Mr. Ibrahima K. Fofana

CEO Biography

Mr. Fofana had occupied high level responsibilities and cabinet level functions in the Government of Republic of Guinea since 1994, including:

• Minister of Economy and Finance (1998-2000)
• Minister of Budget and Restructuring of the Public Sector (1996-1998)
• Minister and General Administrator of Large Projects (1994-1996)                                                                          
• Managed the government’s budget of approximately one US billion dollars per year.
• Coordinated the preparation of the country’s poverty reduction strategy and negotiated IMF/PRGF arrangements and World Bank poverty reduction support credits.
• Improved the country’s financial relations with its bilateral partners, international financial institutions.
• Headed successful debt relief negotiations with Paris Club creditors, as well as a London Club debt buy-back.
• Initiated and conducted an anticorruption program implemented locally and recognized by international entities.
• Implemented the public enterprise privatization program, including water, electricity, and telecommunications companies
• Restructured the internal debt of $70 million.
• Created and implemented a monitoring system for public investment projects on the basis of sub-contracting with private supervisory entities.

Mr. Fofana has tracking records in other professional, business and administrative functions including

• Chairman of the Board of the Guinea Telecommunication Company (SOTELGUI) with equity of US $75 million. (1993-1997)                       
• Chairman of the Board of the Guinea Electric Corporation (SOGEL) with more than $400 million of asset. (1994-1997)                        
• Chairman of the National Privatization Committee. (1994-1997)
• Member of Technical Board for the coordination of the economic program with the World Bank and IMF.  (1986-1994)

Our  Mission

To help entrepreneurs and investors, particularly those who are in business in Africa, to discover the potential of the continent and reach their goals in doing business in Africa 




Addresses & Contacts

Headquarter Location:

14508  Fairdale Road
Silver Spring, Maryland, 20905
Tel +1 240 293 6903

Africa Location

Commune de Ratoma
Tel  +224 6758 8463
       +224 6420 6090
Republic of Guinea (West Africa)
Web: www.ifglobal.net

Angled Facade of Building
Our office